The Business Office is responsible for all monetary transactions at the college and is located in the Student OneStop.

Click here for the complete Payment & Fee Schedule

students on campus

Business Office Basics

Business Office Hours

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday

Business Office Contacts

Phone: 740.568.1905
Fax: 740.374.2660

Student OneStop

Direct Phone Extensions

Phone Number: 740.374.8716

Financial Aid/Scholarshipsext. 1402
Student Account Informationext. 1307
Accounts Payableext. 1306
Payroll & Benefitsext. 1111
Agency Billing/Acc. Receivableext. 1301
General Ledger/Budgetingext. 1305
Controllerext. 1301


Payment Schedule

Deferred Payment Arrangements, Financial Aid, and/or Full Payment must be in place or your schedule will be de-activated.

Click here for the complete Payment & Fee Schedule

If a student registers after the first payment date they need to make their payment by Friday of the week they register. If they register after the start of the term then they need to pay the same day they register. There is a $25 Payment Plan Fee added to the first payment and is non-refundable. There will be a late fee of $25 assessed, if payment is not made on time.

You can make your payment through MyWSCO or in person at the Business Office.


Parking permits are not required. All students must park in the upper parking lot (by Library and Student OneStop). Students who do not adhere to WSCO’s Parking Regulations will be issued a ticket. Parking tickets must be paid at the Business Office.


Financial Aid Refunds for 2024 Spring Semester

The Financial Aid posting dates for Spring Semester are January 30, 2024 and March 28, 2024.

Check your Guaranteed Loan Report for your disbursement date to the college. The college has 14 days from that point to send out refunds to the students. We are unable to give out information on when your refund will be sent, exact date when you will receive it in the mail, or how much the refund will be.

  • Refunds are direct deposited or checks available mailed to the address on file. Checks are not to be picked up.
  • We are unable to give out refund amounts over the phone.
  • Review the Fee Payment Schedule.

Direct Deposits

Direct deposit your Pell Grant or student loan overage check.

To sign up, click "Bank Information" in Student Planning and complete the form.