Educational Talent Search
Educational Talent Search (ETS) is a free federal grant program that educates students in grades 6-12 about college readiness and career options. WSCO sponsors the local ETS program and we have a team of advisors who meet with students during the school day at targeted schools. They provide academic, career, and financial counseling designed to encourage students to graduate from high school and continue on to college.
The Educational Talent Search serves more than 740 students in the following districts:
- Belpre
- Caldwell
- Eastern
- Fort Frye
- Frontier
- Marietta
- Meigs
- Morgan
- Warren
- Washington County Career Center
There are some specific criteria to be eligible for the Educational Talent Search.
- You must attend school in the following target school districts: Belpre, Caldwell, Eastern, Fort Frye, Frontier, Marietta, Meigs, Morgan, Warren or Washington County Career Center.
- You should meet the following criteria:
- Neither parent has earned a bachelor's (four year) degree; OR
- Your family's income does not exceed the federal guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Education.
- All students are encouraged to apply, but may be placed on waitlist depending on open spots.
- You must desire to pursue your college dreams and make a sincere commitment to participate fully in the program.
Apply to Educational Talent Search through our online application by clicking this link.
Click here for the ETS Paper Application.
Fill it out and send it directly to us. You can send it via snail mail, email, FAX or drop it by our office located in the Arts & Sciences Building:
Educational Talent Search
Washington State College of Ohio
710 Colegate Drive
Marietta, Ohio 45750
FAX: 740.568.1922
We want you to make sure you’re ready to go to college so we provide lots of services to make sure you’re on the right track. Educational Talent Search gives you:
- College, university and vocational school information
- Assistance in selecting, applying, and enrolling in college
- College field trips (including campus tours and visits for educational activities)
- College orientation programs
- Study skills, decision-making and goal-setting workshops
- Financial Aid workshops for parents and students
- Assistance in applying for financial aid (grants, scholarships, FAFSA)
- Career information and exploration
- Cultural trips
- Leadership opportunities (including state and regional student leadership conferences)
- Newsletters
- Senior college information packets
- Guidance on your post-secondary path
- Tutoring services and senior mentoring
We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important websites you should visit if you’re looking for money to pay for college. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it is a good starting place.
General Scholarships
State Grants and Scholarships
Financial Aid Links
Local Scholarships
High Schools
Washington County Career Center
Washington State College of Ohio
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
WSCO’s Educational Talent Search is among eight programs in the Federal TRIO Program that is 100% funded with an annual budget of $410,700 from the US Department of Education.
Brandi Koscho
Fort Frye, Washington County Career Center
Assistant Director of ETS
Carrie Ramage
Warren, Morgan, Belpre, Eastern
Educational Advisor
740.374.8716 ext. 1875
For more information contact:
Donna Muntz
Director of College Access & ETS
740.568.1924 or 740.885.5660
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