Washington State College of Ohio partners with VMock SMART Career Platform to help students create a powerful resume and accelerate students' career journey. VMock leverages technologies like data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on resumes based on criteria gathered from employers and global best practices – from anywhere, at any time of the day.

SMART Resume provides users an initial score benchmarked against their cohort along with detailed, personalized feedback and guidance to help improve their document to exceed industry standards for high quality. The feedback is segmented into five core modules: Impact, Presentation, Competencies, Bullet, and Section-level feedback. The Network Feedback module allows users to share and receive feedback from their network or career advisors. Feedback is dynamic, adjusting as users make improvements to their resume, guiding each step of improvement to create a world-class resume.

SMART Editor helps users to achieve all-star profile strength. Our machine learning engines scan resumes to offer instant and targeted sample suggestions for each bullet. Secure 24x7, real-time guidance from the platform to make resume stand out and maximize your job-search outcomes. It allows users to create their resume online on VMock Platform or can easily convert their existing resume to their WSCO template requirement in just a click and provides instant score improvement & live feedback and download resume in PDF or Word format.