Dear WSCO Foundation Friends,

It’s Giving Tuesday and I invite you to rally with the WSCO Foundation. At Washington State, your gift will make a lasting impact because it can change the life of a student who then goes on to influence growth and prosperity for our community. It’s a beautiful ongoing cycle.

Imagine the ripple effect of your kindness — When you support a scholarship, you give a determined student access to an education in pursuit of their dreams. A gift to our gas card fund prevents a student from missing class when the fuel gauge and wallet are both empty. And there is always a need for our emergency assistance fund where you can help a struggling student keep the lights on.

Your support of the WSCO Foundation helps us turn student obstacles into stepping stones that, in turn, become the foundation to a prosperous community. Make a lasting impact and give today.

Megan Marion
Director of Foundation and Development
Washington State College of Ohio