Did you know?
College Credit Plus (CCP) provides opportunities for students in Ohio to earn high school credit and college credit at the same time for FREE. But here’s the thing… CCP isn’t just for one type of student. If you excel in hands-on learning through technical courses, CCP is a great option.
Plus, taking hands-on CCP courses can get you more than college credit. Many of our courses include embedded industry credentials that can help you get a job as you work on earning your certificate or degree at WSCO.
So go ahead, pursue an area that interests you. Here are some of our popular technical options for CCP. When you’re ready to take the next steps, visit us at: wscc.edu/ccp/ to get all of the details.
AUTO 1100 Vehicle Service & Maintenance – 3 credit hours
Perform minor maintenance and service such as lubrication, minor adjustments, replacing simple components and correcting malfunctions on working vehicles. Includes battery construction, starter servicing, and some ASE tasks. Emphasis on shop and trade safety procedures. The course may be offered in a blended format in the evening or summer semester. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
AUTO 1110 Electrical Circuitry – 3 credit hours
Basic electrical theory with emphasis on operating characteristics of DC series and parallel circuits. Emphasis on the relationship of resistance, voltage, and amperage in an electrical circuit. Circuits will be analyzed using Ohm’s Law and verified using electrical meters. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
AUTO 1120 Automotive Brakes – 3 credit hours
A study of hydraulic braking operations, and chassis parts and functions. Laboratory work will consist of brake lathe operation, tire balancing and brake repair. Anti-lock brake concepts are introduced. The course may be offered in a blended format in the evening or summer semester. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
ACCT 1550 Introduction to Financial Accounting – 4 credit hours
This is a course of study that introduces financial accounting and financial reporting for business entities. Students will explore both accounting theory and practice to form a broad foundation upon which to build other accounting principles, processes, and systems. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
BUSM 1550 Business Management – 3 credit hours
The nature of business management, organization and opportunities. Development of managerial viewpoints and methods. Explores business personnel, marketing and operational control functions. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
BUSM 1660 Business Law – 3 credit hours
Introduction to the legal environment of business, based principally on the Uniform Commercial Code. Topics covered in the course include: business ethics, nature and sources of law, the U.S. judicial system, torts, contracts, product liability, agency, partnerships, corporations, antitrust law, the employment relationship, equal employment legislation, and securities regulation. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
INDT 1010 Introduction to Chemical Operator – 3 credit hours
A course delivered in an online modular format designed for newly hired or potential chemical operators. Designed to provide participants with a basic foundation in chemistry and mathematics as well as equipment operation and function. Concepts relating to safe operating practices and environmentally responsible behavior are also included. This course serves as the introductory course for students interested in pursuing an online Chemical Operator Associate degree or certificate and instructs the student in online learning protocols and methods. Course delivery includes use of computer simulations and labs and interactive video. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
INDT 1210 Industrial Safety and Hazmat – 2 credit hours
An introduction to occupational health and safety through recognition and control of health and safety hazards in the workplace. Tools and techniques for injury/illness prevention, incident investigation, and the implementation of a typical safety program. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
INDT 1340 Team Concepts and Practices – 3 credit hours
This course focuses on the urgency of making American businesses competitive in a global economic environment. It presents an overview of total quality management (TQM) for technicians and managers in organizations of all types and sizes. Principles and processes, as well as the tools and techniques for continuous improvement, are emphasized. This course describes patterns of change in the social, economic, and political structures of the United States, and illustrates how individuals and organizations applying TQM principles can increase productivity and effectiveness. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CRJU 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice – 3 credit hours
This course examines American criminal justice and the systems and procedures developed by society for dealing with crime, law, and justice. Emphasis is on the three major components of the system: police, courts, and corrections. The course also provides an introduction to the major theories of criminal behavior and victimization. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CRJU 1110 Criminal Evidence & Procedures – 3 credit hours
A thorough study of the constitutional basis for procedural law. Emphasis will be placed on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Cases chosen for review will involve significant precedent or will involve current legal decisions affecting the role and performance of our criminal justice professions. Study of the evidence rules with specific emphasis on their application in preparing and presenting evidence. Course will briefly discuss burden of proof, general admissibility tests, witness testimony, and documentary and real evidence. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CRJU 1120 Criminal Law – 3 credit hours
Study of the history and development of criminal law, the elements of crime, parties to a crime, types of offenses, and possible defenses. The theories of the text will directly correlate to the specific sections of the Ohio Revised Code. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CYBS 1010 – Introduction to Cyber Security – 3 credit hours
In this course, students will become familiar with cyber security’s core concepts, its terminology, its technologies, along with its skills. The Introduction to Cyber Security course is the beginning guide for anyone interested in information technology and cyber security. Major security topics such as vulnerability assessment, virus attacks, hacking, spyware, network-defense, passwords, firewalls, VPNs and intrusion detection are covered. Furthermore, this course helps prepare students for the CompTIA Security+ and TestOut Security Pro certifications. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CYBS 1020 – Operating Systems & Computing Fundamentals – 3 credit hours
This course is designed as an introduction to operating systems. It is intended for students with a basic background in computer systems. The first portion of the course presents the basic concepts of operating systems, which are platform independent. The second portion of the course covers specific issues with operating systems in widespread use today. Furthermore, this course helps prepare students for the Microsoft MOS and TestOut Office Pro certifications. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
CYBS 1030 Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology – 3 credit hours
This course offers an in-depth analysis of the various methods for attacking and defending an organization’s network. Explores network security concepts from the viewpoint hackers and their attack methodologies. Includes topics about hackers, attacks, Blue Team vs. Red Team, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) malicious code, computer crime, and industrial intelligence. Furthermore, this course helps prepare students for the CompTIA Security+ and TestOut Security Pro certifications. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
ENGR 1010 Fundamentals of Engineering – 3 credit hours
A study of various engineering careers and computer applications in those areas as well as ethics as related to engineering practices. Students will work as teams to apply the problem-solving process as it relates to engineering disciplines and develop related skills. Presents the basics of drafting practices and projection types; basic concepts of operating a CAD system. Emphasis on sketching a form and then converting these images to a CAD produced engineering drawing. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
INDT 1150 Machining Processes – 3 credit hours
Introduction to traditional mechanical machining operations. The course is designed to provide basic training in conventional machine tool operations and processes. Projects will be completed on the lathe, vertical milling machine and drill press. Instruction will include proper hand tool use and the use of measuring devices. Students will work within specified decimal tolerances from engineering drawings. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
INDT 1170 Computer Numerical Control – 3 credit hours
Emphasis on advanced machining processes and an introduction to computerized numerical equipment (CNC). Basic alpha-numeric control codes taught along with programming skills using machine programming language. Students will work within specified decimal tolerances from engineering drawings. Students will earn FANUC CNC certification. Prerequisite: INDT 1150. Co-Requisite: None.
BIOL 1510 Intro to Nutrition – 3 credit hours
A course for non-science majors which introduces the basic nutritional needs of humans through the life cycle; nutrient functions, sources, and requirements. Significant factors which influence food attitudes and habits are included. Students will develop sample meal plans for different life situations. Prerequisite: None. Co-Requisite: None.
NPNT 1610 Introduction to Practical Nursing – 2 credit hours
This course will introduce the student to Practical Nursing beginning with growth and developmental tasks of adulthood and aging. Also covered will be diabetes mellitus, perioperative nursing, pain, the immune system, fluid & electrolytes, IV therapy, shock, and acid base balance. Prerequisite: Practical Nursing program admission. Co-Requisite: None.
NPNT 1720 Pharmacology I – 1 credit hour
This course is an introduction to the study of drugs; including pharmacology math, drug classifications,
pharmaceutical preparations, site of drug actions and physiological responses of the body to drugs. Responsibilities of the practical nurse in relation to the care of the client receiving the medication will be stressed. Prerequisites: Practical Nursing program admission. Co-Requisite: NPNT 1610.
NOTE: There are certain requirements that must be met in order to participate in the CCP LPN Pathway.