Strategic Priority #1
Student Success
New Advising Software Update

WSCO continues to work on the pilot of the student planning advising software. The Student Planning Advising Council-the group of early adopters-met to discuss the initial roll-out and identify opportunities for improvement. Lindsay McVey, from Kinetic Networking, provided group and personalized training sessions on the tool for 63 faculty and staff.
Some notable examples of faculty or advisor use of Student Planning are:
- Brent DeWees has created a plan for all his current massage therapy advisees
- Ashley Pennock emailed her advisees in education transfer to have them log in and try the software
- Amanda Stilgenbauer, health and wellness advisor, is working with her faculty and Dean to review course requisites and design an introductory plan for the Health Sciences program.
- Angie Limegrover, Brad Merritt, Elizabeth Ruth, Rhea Russell, and Natalie Lowe have all scheduled time with their classes to go over the Student Planning tool.
There are 872 distinct student plans, and approximately 156 or 18% of those plans have been individually created by students without initial advisor implementation. Advisors are submitting online requisites and the Records Office has submitted more than 100 into the Colleague system.
New Transfer Module and Transfer Assurance Guide Courses Approved
Washington State is constantly working to update our curriculum and provide students with quality courses that transfer smoothly among the public colleges and universities in Ohio. Our best tool to assure guaranteed transfer is to submit courses for review by faculty panels for the various subject areas and receive either a Transfer Module or Transfer Assurance Guide designation.
Three new WSCO courses were recently approved by the state faculty panels:
- MATH 2150 Quantitative Reasoning, a course that focuses real world applications of mathematical concepts to build college-level problem solving and critical thinking skills.
- HUMN 1500 Introduction to Religion and Morality and HUMN 1510 Introduction to World Religion and Tolerance. These courses strengthen the general education component of WSCO’s Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees. Thanks to faculty members Melanie Devine and Joyce Dye for their work in developing these courses.
WSCO Participates in Open Educational Resources Project
On October 19, faculty members Shirley Singree, Brad Merritt, Laura Garcia, and Dean Heather Kincaid, attended the Ohio Open Educational Resource (OER) Grant Summit held at North Central State College in Mansfield, Ohio. The purpose of this meeting was to focus on collectively developing OERs that will meet Ohio Transfer Module (TM) and Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) requirements and that can be offered to students at little or no cost.
Recognition and Professional Development
During Respiratory Care Week, October 22-28, Dr. Rob Kinker, Director of the Respiratory Therapy program, and the second-year respiratory therapy students screened employees and students for oxygen and Carbon Monoxide levels. During this time, three of the students who were tested requested applications for the respiratory therapy program.
Steve Temesvary, MLT Program Director, and MLT Professor Julia Will accompanied the second-year MLT students to the WVSCLS professional lab conference held in Charleston, WV on October 12-14. Attendance at the conference allows students to see the newest technology available in the field of clinical laboratory science. It is a great opportunity to network with employers from around the region.
Andrea Sites, Assistant Professor of Biology, and her environmental biology students have volunteered three times throughout this semester for Marietta in Bloom, the Marietta Area Recycling Center, and completed work on the native plantings at Indian Acres Park. These activities help students apply what they are learning for the betterment of our communities.
On October 20, Dr. Dyani Stengel, Director of the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program, attended a career fair held at St. Mary’s high school. The high school specifically asked for a PTA representative to attend. Dr. Stengel showcased the physical therapy profession and the WSCO PTA program. Upon return, Dr. Stengel reported that it was a great recruitment opportunity.
Dr. Ziad Akir, Director of E-Learning, was recently elected to serve as the new Southeast Representative for the Ohio Quality Matters Consortium. The Consortium works to promote the use of national Quality Matters standards and practices for online courses and programs at colleges and universities across Ohio. The Southeast Region includes the following institutions: Washington State College of Ohio, Ohio University, Hocking College, University of Rio Grande, Shawnee State University and Zane State College.

Audit Results
Congratulations and thanks to the WSCO Staff and Faculty for a “CLEAN” audit…by observing financial procedures and policies!
Special thanks to Jess Raines, CFO, Angie Lang, Controller, and the Business Office staff: Jennifer Hayes, Melinda Pinkerton, Jonathan Standiford, and Dianne Baker as well as the Financial Aid staff: Reba Bartrug, Ashley Atkinson, and Seth Canfield.
HLC Visit Celebration
WSCO hosted a luncheon to celebrate the completion of the HLC visit. Much appreciation to Faye Treadway and the facilities team for the lovely set-up and the WSCO Music Club for the enjoyable concert!

Student Activities
WSCO Homecoming Week was a huge success due to the enthusiasm and hard work of Jackie Callihan, Assistant Director of Admission along with Director of Admission, Carrie Thrash. Faculty, staff and students participated in a themed week full of activities. The first-ever Mr and Miss WSCO were selected, in addition to the Social Butterfly award. Students voted on a name for our WSCO Buck mascot…”BENJI”! Finally, WSCO Student Senate gained new officers, Stephanie Flanagan (President) and Rachael Rhodes (Vice President).
Strategic Priority #2
Student Access
YES Days 2017
For 25 years, the Young Engineers and Scientists Days have provided middle school students with a unique opportunity to learn about career pathways. In October, these young engineers and scientists — seventh- and eighth-graders — were enthralled by presentations and lessons with liquid nitrogen, body movement and even eating bugs.
This year more than 800 students participated. They learned the science and math fields might be attractive as a career choice. They learned some careers, such as physical therapists, won’t be replaced by computers. All it takes is hard work and a can-do attitude.
It all started with an idea in 1992 stemming from a Marietta Chamber of Commerce leadership project. Now it’s an annual lesson to encourage youngsters that their future is wide open if they choose to take it.
Congratulations to people like veteran organizer of the YES Days, Mary Lou Moegling. You are planting seeds of encouragement in the minds of today’s students.

WSCO High School Senior Visit Day
On October 29, WSCO Admissions welcomed approximately 50 high school seniors, along with their families, to campus for our annual visit day. Attendees learned about the academic opportunities at WSCO as well as the advantages of starting here for both career and transfer preparation. Staff from admissions, financial aid, first-term advising and the Center for Student Success were on hand for the event as well as faculty representatives from each academic division.
Additional Events
WSCO is partnering with the Mid Ohio Valley Veterans Outreach organization to host the 3rd Annual Veterans Resource Fair for the community on Nov. 16. Ren’ee Rector, WSCO School Certifying Official, organized the event which features free resources for Veterans and their families. WSCO currently has approximately 50 Veterans enrolled.
The Office of Financial Aid, led by Reba Bartrug, hosted a FAFSA Workshop for families on November 7. Approximately 30 families attended the event. The event was open to current students as well as prospective students and their families to assist with filing the FAFSA for the 2018-19 academic year.
In October, WSCO was excited to participate in the Family Career Awareness Day, organized through Building Bridges to Career. A great opportunity to speak to students and their parents about career options.
Strategic Priority #3
Community Engagement

Foundation Board Members Retire
Sincere thanks and best wishes to retiring Foundation Board Members, Sondra Holbert and Peter Polites. We appreciate all you have done for the Washington State College of Ohio students!
Generous Donation
Special thanks to our local Wendy’s Restaurants and Marketing Manager, Doug Terrell, for the generous contribution of $2,500 to the WSCO Foundation’s Wendy’s Adoption Scholarship.
The Foundation partners with the College to invest in Student Success and ensures that every student on campus has access to additional financial resources in support of their academic pursuits.
Fall Employee Payroll Deduction Drive
The Foundation kicked off its Fall Employee Payroll Deduction Drive with the help of a donation by artist-craftsman, Esther Salem, WSCO Chair of Engineering and Industrial Technologies. A handcrafted cutting board made of walnut, maple and cherry, and finished with rubbed mineral oil provides an incentive to those that enroll by December 1st.
Community Connections
Eight second-year Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) students administered approximately 650 influenza vaccines to employees of Camden Clark Medical Center (CCMC). ADN students participated in this event last year and did such a terrific job that the CCMC employee health department director asked for their assistance again this year.
On November 7th, the Criminal Justice Club along with advisor Stephanie Harlow organized a Red Cross blood drive. With a goal of 25, there were approximately 40 donors who provided 39 productive units of blood. The blood collected has the potential to impact over 100 patients and families.
Other connections included the Social Services Club which sponsored Comfort Cases for Foster Kids in October, and the Phi Theta Kappa bake sale for the Humane Society at Wendy’s on Pike St. on November 16.
Strategic Priority #4
Workforce Development
Registered Apprenticeship DOL Grant
WSCO has been awarded the Registered Apprenticeship Grant funds. Eight businesses indicated they have employees that they would like trained through this program. The grant will cover one class per semester for each registered apprentice. The goal is to upskill our workforce in four in-demand sectors: Health, IT, Manufacturing, Business Services.

On November 9, 2017 WSCO’s Fundamentals of Engineering classes had a team contest to build stair climbing bots. Our Engineering Advisory Committee was part of the audience for the contest. The judges for the contest were also from the advisory committee. Four out of five projects were successful. The students had to buy or make components to build the stair climber. Several designed components and printed them with our 3D printer.
Important Dates
HR Lunch & Learn: Alzheimer’s Basics November 21, Noon, Rm. B103
(Presented by Morgan Pavol, Alzheimer’s Association of Parkersburg, WV)
Thanksgiving Break November 23-26, 2017
Coffee Chat -Dr. Wood November 30, 2017
HR Lunch & Learn: The 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s November 30, Noon, Rm. B103
(Presented by Morgan Pavol, Alzheimer’s Association of Parkersburg, WV)
Foundation Holiday Donor Reception December 9, 2017
Fall Semester Ends December 12, 2017
WSCO Board of Trustees December Meeting December 18, 2017
Winter Holiday Break December 23, 2017 – January 1, 2018