EEP at WSCO or Online

Exclusively through WSCO, EEP offers free tuition for students for a limited number of credit hours each term. This option is best for high school students who are unable to participate in CCP, but would like to have an opportunity to take classes at WSCO or online and earn college credit. Students are responsible for books, materials, and fees.

Eligibility & Additional Information
  • To be eligible for EEP, you must be an Ohio student in 10th-12th grade.
  • Current CCP students may only enroll in EEP courses after they have exhausted their 30 credit hours allowed under CCP rules.
  • Sophomores may enroll in 1 course per semester starting the summer following freshman year. Juniors and seniors may enroll in 2 courses per semester.
  • Graduating seniors may enroll in 1 course the summer after they complete high school if they have completed at least 9 WSCO credit hours.
  • Registration for EEP courses begins 10 business days prior to the start of each term.
  • A student may enroll in any course offered at WSCO except courses taught through a third party contract.
Application & Class Registration Process
  1. Apply for admission at
  2. Ask your school counselor to send us an official high school transcript.
  3. Complete the appropriate readiness assessment if you want to take a college-level math or English class. Contact the Student OneStop at 740-568-1900 to talk with a College Pathway Advisor to determine if additional testing is needed.
  4. Schedule an appointment to meet with your College Pathway Advisor and register for classes.

Early College Options Interest Form

Interest Form

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