The Cyber Security program is a combination of criminal investigation and computer support technology. This program prepares you for a career in cyber security and investigations, and computer network infrastructure & security. You will also learn to manage networks and operating systems and IT criminal investigation.
The core classes required in the curriculum include work with current Windows desktop operating systems and Linux; current network operating systems such as Windows Server 2016, 2019, Cisco IOS and virtualization tools such as Virtual Box. Also, you will work with networking hardware including copper and fiber optic media, switches, routers, firewalls, and wireless access points.
Additional course work directly relates to the Cisco Academy, Security+ classes, and network security. Your degree is rounded out with select criminal justice classes in criminal investigation, criminal evidence and procedures, criminal law, and computer forensics training.
As a graduate of the program, you will earn your Associate of Technical Studies degree and you will find entry-level opportunities in the field of cyber security. Upon completion of your degree, you will be encouraged to prepare for CompTIA certification exams, including A+, Network+, and Security+ certifications, as well as Cisco CCNA Certification. You may also want to pursue additional credentials specific to your desired specialized field of cyber-security.
It's noteworthy to point out that the Federal Government projects 22% employment growth in the fields of information security analysts (as well as other IT related occupations). This growth rate is among the highest of all the professions the government reviewed.

First Semester
16 Week Course(s)
MATH 2110..................Principle of Statistics..................4 cr
First 8 Weeks
CYBS 1020..................Operating System & Computing Fundamentals..................3 cr
CYBS 1010..................Introduction to Cyber Security..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
CYBS 1030..................Fundamentals of Hacking & IT Psychology..................3 cr
CRJU 1110..................Criminal Evidence & Protocol..................3 cr
Total..................16 cr
Second Semester
First 8 Weeks
CYBS 1220..................Unix/Linux..................3 cr
CYBS 1210..................A+ Hardware and Software..................3 cr
ENGL 1510..................English Composition I..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
CYBS 1230..................Network+..................3 cr
CYBS 1240..................Ethical Protocols of Cyber Security..................3 cr
CRJU 1120..................Criminal Law..................3 cr
Total..................18 cr
Third Semester
First 8 Weeks
DTCS 2100..................Database Management..................3 cr
PHIL 1300..................Introduction to Ethics..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
ELEC 1950..................Cisco I..................3 cr
PSYC 1010..................General Psychology..................3 cr
Total..................12 cr
Fourth Semester
16 Week Course(s)
CYBS 2800..................CS Practicum & Capstone..................4 cr
First 8 Weeks
ELEC 2050..................Cisco II..................3 cr
SPCH 1510.................Speech..................OR
SPCH 2060..................Interpersonal Communications.................. 3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
CYBS 2100..................Tactical Perimeter Defense in Cyber Security..................3 cr
SOCI 1010..................Introduction to Sociology..................3 cr
Total..................16 cr

- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2012&2016
- Linux
- Cisco IOS
The Cyber Security certificate program is a combination of criminal investigation and computer support technology. It provides you a foundation in computer network infrastructure and security, as well as cyber security and investigations. It also includes coursework in criminal justice and forensics training. Throughout the program, students will be able to earn a number of industry credentials that complement the certificate and will be valuable in the job market. The certificate provides a clear pathway for students who want to pursue an associate degree in Cyber Security.
Learn the fundamentals of computer support in our Help Desk certificate program. You will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain computer networks as well as provide technical help to computer users and organizations. Throughout the program, students will be able to earn a number of industry credentials that complement the certificate and will be valuable in the job market. The certificate provides a clear pathway for students who want to pursue an associate degree in Cyber Security.
- IT Fundamentals Professional
- Linux Professional
- Security Professional
- PC Professional
- Network Professional
- Ethical Hacker Professional