There’s a high demand for Diesel Techs and the US Department of Labor predicts that trend to continue to climb as more and more large trucks take to the highway. In our state-of-the-art lab, led by an ASE Certified Instructor, you will explore every aspect of Diesel Truck operations by servicing and repairing working vehicles and their components. You’ll gain hands-on practical experience with conventional tools as well as computerized engine analyzers. We round out the program with business management skills that include the use of computers in the service and parts area.
US Department of Labor shows a faster-than-average job outlook for Diesel Service Technicians and Mechanics. Job opportunities in diesel technology include diesel technician, field-test technician, repair and maintenance of natural gas compressor stations and electrical generator sets, service technician, parts manager, service manager, or technical trainer. There are even possibilities in sales and engineering for qualified technicians.

First Semester
First 8 Weeks
AUTO 1110..................Electrical Circuity..................3 cr
TRCK 1100..................Introduction to Truck Systems..................3 cr
TRCK 1120..................Medium & Heavy Brakes..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
AUTO 1130..................Electrical Components..................3 cr
TRCK 2120..................Diesel Truck Drive Trains..................3 cr
Second Semester
First 8 Weeks
AUTO 2150..................Principles of Air Conditioning..................3 cr
ENGL 1510..................English Composition I..................3 cr
TRCK 1130..................Medium & Heavy Truck Chassis..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
MATH 1104..................Technical Mathematics..................4 cr
WELD 1232..................Industrial Welding..................3 cr
Third Semester
First 8 Weeks
BUSM 1710..................Auto/Diesel Business Computer Applications..................3 cr
TRCK 2100..................Diesel Engine Tune Up & Maintenance..................3 cr
TRCK 2110..................Diesel Fuel Systems & Hydraulics..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
BUSM 2130..................Customer Service and Sales..................3 cr
PHYS 1010..................Applied Physics..................2 cr
PHYS 101L..................Applied Physics Lab..................1 cr
PSYC 1010..................General Psychology..................3 cr
Fourth Semester
TRCK 2140..................Practicum TRCK/AUTO..................2 cr
First 8 Weeks
PHIL 1300..................Introduction to Ethics..................3 cr
TRCK 1140..................Diesel Engine Design & Service..................3 cr
TRCK 2130..................Electronic Diesel Engines..................3 cr
Second 8 Weeks
INDT 1220..................OSHA Safety CPT 4.0..................2 cr
TRCK 2150..................ASE Technician Preparation..................3 cr
Local Employment
- Matheny Motors
- JD Byrider
- Hall Drilling
- McClinton Chevrolet
- Lee Myles Transmissions
- Marietta Ignition
- Fyda Freightliner
- O’Reilly Auto Parts
- D & R Auto & Truck Repair
- Leslie Equipment
- Bridgeport Equipment
- Walker Caterpillar
- Wharton Cadillac
- Berdine’s Auto
- Sheppard’s Auto
- Auto Zone
- Warner Kia
Accrediated by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF)
Automotive Service Examination (ASE)
Associate of Applied Science
Discount on Snap-On Tools
Soft Skills
Diagnostics & Repair
Brake Service
Service Writing
Disassembling & Inspection
Adaption of New Technology
To learn more:
Jim York, Professor, Electrical Engineering